Monday, June 30, 2014

Fairy Tale Using Bike Names

Once upon a time a GHOST wanted to have an ADVENTURE.  She wanted to take the EXPRESSWAY to the NORTHSHORE of Vancouver.  Her ROUTE would take her to WHISTLER where she expected to meet her NEMESIS the GIANT DRAGON.  But a THUNDERBOLT boomed nearby and LIGHTNING scared her.  The LIGHTNING made a SIMPLE SLICE in the LUSH undergrowth and the GHOST was afraid that it could TRIGGER a landslide which would cause her to make a DETOUR.

How the GHOST wished her friends LEXI, IVY and LILY could come and help her.  But LEXI was such a BAD GIRL and LILY was a HOOLIGAN.  IVY was a heavenly CITIZEN with a QUICK temper..  The group of them could RACE DOWNHILL and call the POLICE.  The worst that could happen is the POLICE might warn them of the GRAVITY of their situation or even give them a TICKET.  A TICKET could PROPEL then into court where a judge might find them too ROWDY and throw them out of the SESSION.

It would seem that the GHOST COMPANIONS would never leave the METROPOLIS and get to WHISTLER where if they DEFYED the DRAGON they could REMEDY a situation in that mountain resort. There would be a certain amount of PRESTIGE involved if and when they could do it.

The moral of the story?  You can't always get what you want.

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