Tuesday, May 28, 2013


In just over a week Bike Month starts in our part of the world and it will prove to be a glorious time to be a cyclist.  Young and old will be invited to ride their bikes to "Drive - In" movies, pedal in the largest "Critical Mass" of the year, have breakfast at the "Bike Bottleneck" on the way to work and enjoy quaffing mocktails while commuting home on their bike.  These are only a few of the events planned.

Critical Mass
I'll be riding a bike in Portugal next week so I'll miss one of my favourite Bike Month activities - "Riding to the Symphony"  A chance to dress up in a tux, ride through downtown and as you approach the concert hall, trumpets will sound to herald your stylish arrival.
Crossing the High Level on the way to the symphony
The second annual SteamPunk Ride will also take place during Bike Month and by all indications it will be even bigger than the first one last year.  A lot of people want to dude up their bikes and interpret SteamPunk in their outfits.  I'd still like to dress as the Victorian explorer David Livingstone and I have the pith helmet but I can't seem to find a pair of knee high boots that I can rationalize spending big bucks for if I'm only wearing them once.

Derek and Lisa lookin' fine last year
 It looks like I'll be giving a hands-on session featuring bikepacking and this time we'll have it in a park so that I can set everything up including my tent, sleeping gear and all my cooking aparatus.  Hopefully those attending will learn how to pack a bike and discover what to take and what not to take or do.  There's always someone in the crowd with more experience than me so I'll have the opportunity to learn something as well.  The session will also give me a chance to hand out Adventure Cycling info which includes a magazine and humourous stickers to plaster onto your bike frame.

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