Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Moor Of Venice

At five o'clock the wind picked up considerably and it began to rain - an auspicious start to "The Ride To Shakespeare" which was to start at 6:30.   Somehow the dressing - up bug had caught me and I had spent a considerable amount of time finding an appropriate outfit to wear to a performance of the bard's work.  The rainfall would mean that I would have to scrap my plans and wear my biking rain gear.

On different occasions, I had visited a number of thrift stores looking for a tweed jacket, knickerbokers, a swanky shirt, knee-high argyll socks and a tweed cap.  Upon reflection, I realized that I would look more like a 1920's golfer than an English cyclist (or my idea of an English cyclist).

In one fell swoop I rummaged through the clothing racks at G'Will and found a jacket to fit, a collarless shirt and golden coloured corduroy pants.  I already had snagged a tweed vest and with a bit of alteration, it would fit.  Finding a cap was another challenge and after scouring the Antique Mall to no avail, I found one in the men's section of a downtown department store.  I thought wearing it made me look old.

In fact, in choosing this particular outfit, I realized I was styling myself more after the character "Flying Officer Louis Sedgwick" a part that James Cogburn played in "The Great Escape" than a proper English cyclist.

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